Wednesday, July 13, 2016

And so the journey begins... what better place than at the beginning...

It would make sense that my journey to India and discovering what Pure Zen means to me would begin in New York City. After all, this is where I first started practicing Yoga on the regular, 13 years ago. Prior to that, I had done it a few times, but it hadn't peaked my interest until I moved to Manhattan. It was also while I was living in New York City, that I discovered the healing art of Reiki. I had no idea this even existed, until a friend of mine did it while giving me a facial at her spa and told me all about it. It was 12 years ago, that I first decided I would one day pursue my Reiki Master certification. 12 years later, I have finally achieved that goal. New York City is where I first learned to meditate and found like-minded individuals. Being in the fashion industry in New York, proved to be the least zen career I could have chosen for my self.

Now, I began my 5 week journey into earning my Yoga Teaching Certification in Dharmsala India. I mean where else could I imagine going to learn how to teach others this amazing art and way of life.

I will chronicle my journey to not only learn to teach others, but a journey of self-discovery, meditation and healing for me as well. I can't wait to look back and see the positive changes, my life will go through in the next few weeks. Thank you for joining me on this journey.


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